How Often Should You See a Chiropractor?

Dr. George Gertnerblog


Imagine living your life easily without being set back by body aches and ailments. Many people have found pain relief through upper cervical chiropractic treatment. With appropriate and sufficient treatment, upper cervical chiropractic adjustments provide a holistic way to treat chronic pain and other uncomfortable conditions. 

When Should You See a Chiropractor?

Upper cervical chiropractic adjustments provide relief for an array of conditions. You may want to schedule an appointment if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms or conditions: 

  • Back pain
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Fatigue
  • Seizures or epilepsy
  • Dizziness
  • Chronic ear and sinus infections
  • Neck pain
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Work-related pain

Chiropractors treat chronic pain and pain flare-ups — also known as breakthrough pain (BTP). Chronic pain is permanent, while flare-ups happen suddenly and dissipate usually within a few days. Routine visits to your chiropractor can help relieve both sudden pain flares and long-term pain. 

Does a Chiropractor Help?

Chiropractic adjustments have helped relieve pain for many people. Patients have found relief for various body pains, including neck and back pain and headaches. As chiropractic adjustments start relieving pain, patients might not need to rely on pain relievers as much. Chiropractic treatment can also improve your posture and might lower your stress levels by promoting relaxation and stimulating endorphin release. Patients are generally highly satisfied with chiropractic care. 

Chiropractic treatment also doesn’t pose much risk. You may feel tired and your muscles may be sore afterward, but most patients recover soon after their appointment. 

Many people combine traditional healing methods with chiropractic treatment for better outcomes. Some people might struggle to find relief for their ailments in conventional medicine and need a more holistic approach to find healing. Chiropractic adjustments can be effective. 

For chiropractic treatment to be most effective and safely administered, always book an appointment with a certified chiropractor, as trained chiropractors receive rigorous training to perform adjustments correctly. 

How Frequent Should Your Chiropractic Visits Be?

How frequently you visit your chiropractor will depend on how severe your condition is or how often you prefer to book an appointment. Similar to other forms of health care, there are three categories of chiropractic care. Your chiropractor will determine whether your condition is urgent, rehabilitative or maintenance.

You may need several appointments closely following each other if your condition is urgent or you are starting a new treatment plan. However, suppose you are recovering from an injury and need rehabilitation. In that case, you might have several appointments each month, while appointments where your chiropractor manages your chronic pain, might only occur monthly.

Your chiropractor might also assign corrective exercises for you to do between your appointments, ensuring your body gets the movement it needs to heal. 

Many also visit a chiropractor for preventative care and to improve their overall health. No matter the reason for your appointments, you want to make visits to the chiropractor part of your routine for the best results.

Book Your Chiropractic Appointment

Upper Cervical Chiropractic of New York provides safe and gentle chiropractic adjustments in a caring environment. We have helped many people find relief from pain. We are proud to help improve our patients’ quality of life through holistic healing, and we would love to help you, too. Call us at 914-686-6200 or contact us online to book an appointment today.