Guide to Chronic Allergies: 7 Tips for Coping

Dr. George Gertnerblog

If you have chronic allergies, follow these 7 tips for coping.

Chronic allergies are a prevalent health concern affecting millions worldwide. Whether it’s seasonal allergies, pet dander, dust mites or specific foods, the impact of allergies can be significant and sometimes underestimated. If you or your loved ones have experienced the relentless sneezing, itching, congestion or even more severe reactions triggered by allergens, you know firsthand the toll chronic allergies can take on daily life.

This comprehensive guide examines chronic allergies, offering insights and practical tips to help you cope with your symptoms. We will explore the different types of allergies people commonly encounter, discuss their challenges in everyday life and emphasize the importance of recognizing and addressing them proactively.

By arming yourself with knowledge and understanding, you can enjoy a more comfortable, vibrant and allergy-free life. Learn how to treat allergies in the following sections of this guide!

Understanding Allergy Triggers

Allergy triggers are substances or particles that cause the immune system to overreact, resulting in uncomfortable symptoms. 

  • Pollen: Pollen is a prevalent outdoor allergen released by trees, grasses and weeds, causing seasonal allergic rhinitis, or hay fever.
  • Pet dander: Tiny skin flakes, saliva and urine from animals can trigger allergies in sensitive people.
  • Dust mites: These microscopic organisms found in dust, upholstery, bedding and carpets that thrive in warm and humid environments can cause sneezing, itching, coughing and a stuffy or runny nose. 
  • Mold: Fungi in damp areas like bathrooms and basements release spores into the air, leading to rashes and respiratory symptoms.
  • Certain foods: Common allergenic foods include peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, milk, soy, wheat, fish and shellfish.

Interaction With the Immune System

When allergens enter your body through inhalation, ingestion or contact, the immune system identifies them as harmful invaders and mounts a defensive response. Specialized immune cells release antibodies, such as immunoglobulin E, which trigger the release of chemicals like histamine. 


Cross-reactivity occurs when your immune system mistakes proteins in one substance for similar proteins in another. For example, people with a birch pollen allergy may experience allergic reactions to fruits like apples, peaches or cherries due to cross-reactivity between the pollen and the fruit proteins. 

What Are Chronic Allergies?

Chronic allergies are immune system responses to typically harmless substances known as allergens. When the immune system identifies these substances as threats, it releases chemicals such as histamine, leading to a wide range of uncomfortable and, in severe cases, life-threatening symptoms. 

Prevalence in Society

While some allergies may develop in childhood, others can emerge later in life, making them an ongoing concern for people of all ages. Allergies’ impact extends beyond the afflicted person to affect family members and caretakers who witness the daily struggles and challenges their loved ones face.

In severe cases, symptoms may manifest in various ways, including persistent sneezing, nasal congestion, itchy eyes, skin rashes, wheezing or even anaphylactic shock. Allergies can interfere with sleep, work productivity and social activities, leading to decreased quality of life and emotional distress.

A Serious Concern

Unfortunately, some people disregard chronic allergies as mere inconveniences or seasonal nuisances, leading to delayed or insufficient treatment. However, overlooking allergies can have detrimental effects, as unmanaged symptoms may progress and lead to more severe conditions, such as asthma, chronic sinusitis or eczema. Acknowledging the impact of allergies and seeking appropriate care is crucial to maintaining optimal health and well-being.

Learn how to manage chronic allergies with these 7 tips.

Ways to Manage Chronic Allergies

Living with chronic allergies can be a constant struggle, affecting various aspects of daily life. However, with the appropriate coping strategies and proactive measures, you can significantly reduce allergy symptoms and improve your overall well-being.

1. Identify and Avoid Allergens

The first step in learning how to alleviate allergies is identifying the specific allergens that trigger your symptoms. Consult an allergist or immunologist for comprehensive allergy testing to determine your sensitivities, then avoid exposure to these allergens as much as possible. Steps may involve keeping windows closed during high pollen seasons, using air purifiers to reduce indoor allergens and making necessary adjustments to your diet.

2. Create an Allergy-Friendly Environment

Minimize allergens in your home by maintaining a clean and allergen-free living space. Regularly vacuum with a HEPA filter, wash bedding in hot water to eliminate dust mites and use allergen-proof covers for mattresses and pillows. 

3. Monitor Pollen Levels

If you’re particularly sensitive to pollen, keep an eye on the pollen forecast in your area. High pollen counts can worsen allergy symptoms, so plan outdoor activities when pollen levels are lower. On days with high pollen counts, it’s best to limit outdoor exposure or wear sunglasses and hats to reduce the amount of pollen that comes into contact with your eyes and hair.

4. Optimize Hygiene

Good personal hygiene can prevent allergens from lingering on your body and clothes. Shower before bedtime to wash off allergens collected during the day, and change your clothes after spending time outdoors. Additionally, consider washing your hair before bedtime to avoid transferring allergens to your pillow, which could disrupt your sleep.

5. Use Allergy Medication

Over-the-counter antihistamines, nasal corticosteroids and decongestants can relieve mild allergy symptoms. For those with more severe allergies, prescription medications may be necessary. Always consult a health care professional before starting any new medication and follow their proper dosage and usage guidance.

6. Consider Allergy Immunotherapy

Allergy immunotherapy, commonly known as allergy shots, is an effective long-term treatment option for people with severe allergies. This treatment involves gradually exposing your body to tiny amounts of allergens to desensitize your immune system. Over time, this solution can reduce the severity of allergic reactions and potentially lead to lasting relief.

7. Natural Remedies for Allergies

In addition to conventional medicine, some people find relief through natural allergy remedies. These may include using saline nasal rinses to clear nasal passages, using local, raw honey to alleviate seasonal pollen allergies and incorporating anti-inflammatory foods like turmeric and ginger into your diet. However, consult a health care professional before trying any natural remedy to ensure it is safe and appropriate for your condition.

Visit Upper Cervical Chiropractic of New York for allergy support.

Visit Upper Cervical Chiropractic of New York for Support

How can chiropractors help with allergies? Alongside conventional medicine and natural remedies, the specialized National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association procedure offered by Upper Cervical Chiropractic of New York can offer a unique approach to managing allergy symptoms and provide chiropractor allergy relief.

Led by the expertise of Dr. George Gertner, Upper Cervical Chiropractic of New York has served the White Plains region since 2002. Dr. Gertner has become the leading chiropractor for allergies. NUCCA treatment and other specialized services can help you achieve optimal spinal and joint alignment, providing the opportunity for a pain-free and more fulfilling life.

Don’t let chronic allergies hinder your ability to enjoy life to the fullest. Take charge of your well-being with the support and expertise offered by UCC-NY and explore the potential benefits of NUCCA chiropractic care in your journey toward lasting relief and improved health. Schedule your appointment today.